Summer Speaker Series: The Sacred Self
Summer as a season brings a lot of things, including schedules that are often less rigid and predictable outside of the long-awaited vacation or visits from friends and family who have the time and weather to offer space for RE-creation. For faith fellowships, summer offers similar moods and presence, especially the space for re-creation, as many are off and about, and a layered sermon series or presentation needs more opportunity for layered learning. For pastors, this can present a challenge to momentum and direction unless, however, they choose to preach and teach something more of a niche or passion for them, what outside of the traditional pastorate, per se, inspires them or give them a glimpse of the Sacred Self outside of the so-called Sacred walls?
I have joined the latter group, and over the past several summers, I have stepped out of the pulpit puppet box to present mash-ups of socio-theological theories (faith formation; the Enneagram). This summer is no different, yet instead of leaning on my niche or passions, I felt led to gain insight from those outside of our faith fellowship. That is, I wanted to reach beyond the anticipated framework of the church calendar, prescribed lectionary readings, and local fellowship trends, and into the community, asking others how they find inspiration and fulfillment, their Sacred Self, outside of the confines of the temple walls and traditions.
- Pastor Colleen Swingle-Titus