The Disciples of Christ had their General Assembly earlier this summer in Louisville, KY and three of our members were in attendance. All three are women in leadership in the church and we are proud of and grateful for their representation at the assembly!
Ruth Berta, Donna Cain, Joy Brittain at the 2023 Disciples of Christ General Assembly
The theme of the general assembly (GA) was
KINdom of God:
Within us
Among us
This emphasis on KIN rather than KING is not meant to be a replacement, but an expansion on our understanding of Jesus and our relationship to each other.
There were several important resolutions discussed at the assembly, but we are particularly proud of two of them.
1. It was overwhelmingly passed that as a denomination we denounce Christian nationalism.
Quoting from a blog post by Robert D. Cornwall “The first of these statements declares that ‘the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denounces Christian Nationalism in all its forms as a distortion of the Christian faith, and commits to opposing it wherever it appears, for the sake of the gospel and the good of the human family.’”
2. There was an emergency resolution that called for the DoC to “Oppose anti-trans legislation and affirm the dignity of Transgender and Gender-diverse People.” We are ecstatic that this passed UNANIMOUSLY.
At a time when churches seem to be hiding bigotry just below the surface, if they choose to hide it at all, it is refreshing if not invigorating to see a denomination openly discussing these issues of trans rights and opposing Christian Nationalism and voting with overwhelming, if not unanimous, support for trans and gender-diverse people and against deadly, hateful Christian nationalism. These further confirmed that PSCC is well-placed as a Disciples of Christ church.
If you want to read more about the GA, check out this blog post from the above quoted Robert D. Cornwall.